What is a trovant? A trovant is a ‘living’ sandstone rock formation that changes shape and grows as it gets older.

It is thought that in the presence of highly calcareous water, the sandy exterior layer solidifies, giving the impression that they grow over time (5cms in 1000 years). A process called ‘concretion’. If you cut open a trovant you will see growth rings, much like on a tree. At the centre there is often a harder stone or in some cases a fossil.

The distinctive boulders are used by people as buffer stones to avoid damage to the corners of houses and gateways. They are also commonly seen as entrance stones, tabletops or for sculptural and decorative uses.A good place to see trovants is at clay and sand pits, where they emerge from the banks as material is taken. A good example of this is past Cornățel next to the road.

Do you know any other places in the Hârtibaciu Valley to find trovants?

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